Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wake up, pipol!

Assalamualaikum wrh :)

Before I start on today's post about change, I'd just like to ask every Muslim and Muslimah out there, please #PrayForGaza. Really, during your sujud, when you're holding up your hands in prayer, do not forget about them. Yes I'm sure you've heard of the verse: 

'The believers are but brothers...' [Quran, Al-Hujurat : 10]

So do what you'd want your brothers and sisters to do for you when you're in difficulty okay. Ya Allah, give shelter to them Ya Rabb, strenghten them, remind them always of the Jannah that awaits them for the patience and constancy on your Siratul Mustaqim.

Oh Lord of the Worlds, save our brothers and sisters.

Such a sad story for the beginning of the new Islamic year. :(

Has it ever crossed your minds, like, how come the terrorism that happened in America, say the 9/11 which was accused to be of Muslims' faults, became such a big thing and so many efforts were then put in order to stop such terrorism from ever occurring again. But the issue of Palestin, Afghanistan, Iraq, all the Muslim countries, in which the reasons for the attacks were totally vague remained a blind spot to the United Nation? How do we change this? Yes, we must pray. Never forget to pray. But what else?

Muslims must rise! 

We must uphold the true teachings of Islam! We were once the Ustadziatul Alam (The World Order) during the Abbasiyah ruling. Only at that position will we be able to correct all the injustice happening all over the world for mankind as a whole, be it for Muslims or non-Muslims. So how do we re-attain our rightful position as the Ustadziatul Alam, you ask? Well, let's start with the man/lady in the mirror, shall we not? Start with ourselves! If there's a more vital and crucial time to make that paradigm shift, it is NOW.

So as you can see there are many steps to reach that Ustadziatul Alam status. But we must first begin with ourselves.

Well lookie lookie the post had gotten longer than I expected. I'm prolly boring all of you to your deathbeds so I shall just continue on 'Change', the next post okie.


Take care lovelies.

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