Monday, June 22, 2015

"Be like Maryam"

"..or like Asiah, or like Khadijah, or like Fatimah. 

Be like those leaders of women in paradise. "

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم 
In the name of Allah Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

Apologies for the abrupt beginning - it's like I've been bottling everything up for so long and I just needed to write. So here I am. Realised this as I was frantically searching for an empty notebook in the room I spent most of my teenage years in, and came across my old teenage diary lulz. And I realised how much I used to write, be it in diaries or in blogs. And also realised how much I do not write nowadays. So yes, here I am for that very purpose. 

To vent write.

Something's been bothering me mind lately, though it's a pretty much internal battle. Amidst all of those battle of thoughts inside of me, I heard a quranic verse, talking about 'Zakariyya' and yes, of course, you guessed it. Maryam, daughter of Imran.

So I told myself "Dear self, be like Maryam. Who needed not a husband to survive, to be one of the greatest abeedah of Allah, whom Allah has chosen amongst so many other women in the history of the world, to bear a child without a husband." 

Yes I know I may sound extreme. But the mere thought of it; that we do not live to be married off to some guy, simply. Our ultimate aim should not be to find the prince charming. No, it's bigger than that. It's bigger than ourselves. We were created for a greater purpose, and that is to serve Allah.

The same applies with all the other women I've mentioned above. Asiah, whose husband is a tyrant, claiming himself to be Lord over all. Asiah could've gotten all she wanted or more in this worldly life, as a wife to Pharaoh. The biggest palaces, the most alluring delicacies and the most extravagant jewelleries. With a mere wave of his hand, Pharaoh could get all of that and more for her beloved wife. But soon after knowing the truth from the child that she helped raise, Prophet Moses a.s., she'd leave all that, in a blink of an eye. In exchange for what? A simple house, but one that is close to her most beloved - her One True Lord. "My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise" - At-Tahreem : 11

Also, who hasn't heard of Khadijah r.a.? Where do I even begin? The one who has given birth to most of the Prophet Muhammad saw's children, the one who calmed the Prophet s.a.w when he first received his Prophethood. Who, when Rasulullah s.a.w worried that something bad was happening to him, told him "Never! By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones.”. Who gave up all her wealth and might for the spread and defence of Islam, and when that, too declined, and she was on the verge of her death, she said (something along the lines of) "I've nothing left to offer for Islam, but use my bones as swords if you may, to defend this deen" 

Allahu akbar. Sent chills up my spine the first time I read that. 

And of course, Fatimah r.a., the beloved daughter of the Prophet s.a.w, and the most beloved wife of Ali r.a. Tirelessly raised up their children without the presence of his husband (as Ali r.a. was almost always away for battles); day in and day out beaten her own bread, did all her house chores, and did all that she could in her power to please both her father and her husband. (As of course, pleasing one normally meant pleasing the other.) She went through a very simple life, regardless of the fact that she was the daughter of the Prophet s.a.w! The daughter of the leader of the city! Much like a princess, I'd say. But she was far from acting like one. Because she knows that it was not her time yet to act like a princess; she was to wait, for the eternal life, where she'd be treated like a princess; forever and always :)

Hence, with or without a husband (be it a soleh or not so soleh husband) we'd want to be that gentle hand that can shake the world; directly or indirectly. We'd want to be that nurturing soul that awakens the spirits of those around us, that soothing voice to calm the agitated souls, that abeedah who longs for the companionship of His Lord. We'd want to be, that muslimah, yang sungguh-sungguh hidup dan matinya - and everything in between; her words, her actions - hanya kerana mengharapkan mardhatillah, the Pleasure of her Lord.

Moga Allah sentiasa menunjukkan kita jalan-jalan yang lurus,
dan moga Allah sentiasa memberikan kita kekuatan
untuk melalui jalan-jalan itu.

May our best day be, that day when we face our Lord,
and He looks at us with a loving look, 
and tells us that He forgave us,
and He is pleased with us.

"(To the righteous soul will be said:) : O (you) soul, in (complete) rest and staisfaction ! Come back to your Lord - well pleased (yourself), and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter you, then, among My devotees! Indeed, enter you My Heaven!"  Al - Fajr [89: 27-30] 
Allah knows best :)
Salam alayk, fi amanillah.
Ramadhan mubarak, folks.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

After that long hiatus

Salam alaik!

Dear bloggie,

Boy oh boy am I glad to be writing in you again!

Though I haven't really much to write about now - except that, well I've missed you so! And I intend to write again inshaAllah, biiznillah :)

I am in the midst of my finals right now - I am finishing second year can you believe it? ._. And to think my last post was when I was about to receive my A-Level results.

Ala kulli hal, fret not dear bloggie, for Allah has always taken care of me, not once did He leave me out of His loving sight :')

I'll write again soon, inshaAllah.

Til then, bloggie :)